Our Over The Road Division
All Points Transport, was our first Agency, our office opened on April 1st, 2011 with Zero Trucks and a Customer Portfolio of about 50 loads per week. After Brokering out the loads to local smaller trucking companies the drivers started to arrive. With time we were able to grow into a decent terminal servicing accounts such as CH Robinson- Sugarland, BNSF Dallas Terminal, Firestone in Arkansas, J C Penny's in Dallas just to name a few.
Our OTR owner operators are dedicated to providing the best service possible and strive in being on time every time avoiding costly delays.
Since the Hours of Service are being fully enforced, we have streamlined the access to your containers at the port by providing our drivers fleet chassis. This eliminates precious time at the depot and ensures the chassis are maintained daily avoiding service failures. Pre checks and Post checks by the assigned driver gives our team the advantage in making the best of their precious time getting your cargo to your final destination on time.